In this season of giving gifts and giving thanks, we are grateful to the Lord for you and for this beautiful community. And as we enter into it, we ask you to prayerfully consider making CornerstoneSF a priority in your year-end giving.
As we consider 2024, we want to see God multiply the fruit borne in our community. Acts 1:8 teaches that we are empowered by the Spirit to take the good news to our neighborhoods, to our cities, the broader area, and the world around us. It’s a purpose that drives us forward and inspires us to be ambitious for the Kingdom!
The Lord has blessed our church with the people He has gathered, the talents, resources, and giftings represented, we feel called into a year of witness. A year of dedication to sharing the incredible Savior that He is and the amazing ways He has changed our lives.
We want to see more kids grow up with a foundation of faith.
We want to watch more families become healed and strengthened.
We want more teens to become grounded in their faith in a world that pulls them in every unhealthy direction.
We want to see more people walk through the doors — both physical doors and virtual ones — and have their lives fundamentally changed by the love and power of Christ at work in our church.
We have a heart to reach our neighborhoods using old school methods and new ones too, to invite those who may never otherwise be brought to church.
We’re passionate about creating for our coworkers, friends, family, and neighbors.
We’re determined to extend our reach online — the digital highways and byways — with shareable content, encouraging and inspiring messages that have the potential to forever change people’s lives.
God has done something beautiful by giving us this vibrant community, and we want to invite you to pray and consider how the Lord may be inviting you to jump in, and how He may desire to multiply in your life through it. Please consider Cornerstone a priority in your year-end giving and join us in this year of witness.
To grow a healthy, thriving community of believers – that all followers of Jesus be encouraged, strengthened, and equipped, using their gifts to grow and serve within the church and outside of it.
To fuel the future generations of believers and nurture the roots of faith in our kids and our youth programs. We want to empower the youth of tomorrow.
To increase our community’s involvement with local and global outreach ministries, while supporting the creation of new ministry expressions within the church community.
To expand our current digital footprint, our online witness, and continue the creation of Godly original content so that people are touched and transformed for Christ.

Alternative Ways to Give
In Person: Visit the giving box in the Riordan Lobby
CornerstoneSF App: Tap on the “Giving” tab
Mail: 15 Dearborn Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
2023 Giving Statements
Make sure to update your information on your giving profile as we’ll
be emailing statements this month for the 2023 tax season.
Update all of your information by going to